Goodnight Facebook

On the Internet
There was a link
To a groupon
And a picture of –

A young family on vacation

And there were 3 little likes
On a status of Mike’s

And 2 little pics
Of a kid turning 6

And a mafia game
And a tag of a name.

And a share and a post of a pic of a coast.
And a Facebook stalker who is on it the most.

Goodnight Internet.
Goodnight Facebook.
Goodnight friend posting on Facebook.

Goodnight check in
And the good deal groupon

Goodnight groups
Goodnight scoops

Goodnight notes
And goodnight votes

Goodnight places
And Goodnight faces

Goodnight friending
And Goodnight pending

Goodnight post
And Goodnight coast

Goodnight nobody
Goodnight boast

And Goodnight Facebook stalker who is on it the most

Goodnight blogs
Goodnight air
Goodnight people everywhere